Generative Art is when Art meets Technology?

Generative Art is one of them. The idea is to use programming code to generate visual art with helps of algorithm logic.

Generative Art bridges logical thinking of programming and the emotional expression of art.

It enables software engineers or programmers to create art that beyond the functional application, meanwhile, it enables designers and artists to reimagine possibilities with creative coding techniques.

Generative Art NFT

With trending hype in NFT, everyone can create digital arts and become an “artist”.

Some people create art with simple mobile APPs and cameras, while some utilize more sophisticated software.

To make each NFTs a little more unique, some people leverage generative programming to make each art a little different.

Random combinations & Uniqueness

One advantage of generative art is the random function and loops.

By leveraging these functions, creators can generate visuals with endless variable combinations, thus make each art “unique”.

Commoditize “uniqueness”

To some extent, generative art is created to be unique, also it works well with NFT nature – each piece is unique and non-fungible.

In other words, generative art makes uniqueness a commodity in the digital art world!

Generative art with a combination algorithm
Generative art with a combination algorithm

AI = Art Intellingent

Many professional digital artists are also integrating Artificial Intelligent technology to co-create art with machines.

The creation then becomes even more unpredictable and fun.

It challenges the perception & value of art while providing an exciting space for creative experiments ahead.