
Product & Brand Innovation Better, Faster and Cost Effectively!

A selection of work by interdisciplinary business designer and innovation consultant Justin Tsui.

Justin Tsui specialised in connecting seemingly unrelated dots to uncover insights in business challenges and customer needs, then translate them into wonderful ideas with exceptional storytelling, business strategy, and product & brand creative skills.

With a focus on consumer-driven innovation in consumer products (Electronics, Retail, CPG & FMCG), Justin Tsui is a global top performer in both academic and commercial world with a profound passion in driving interdisciplinary innovation to deliver business results and improve the quality of everyday life.

Justin’s motto is to Make life Beautiful, Enjoyable and Meaningful !

Recent Posts

What is iSWAT? – Strategist, Wizard, Activator, Technologist as Fantastic 4

What is iSWAT? – Strategist, Wizard, Activator, Technologist as Fantastic 4

ByJustin TsuiApr 7, 20243 min read

What is iSWAT? Special Weapon And Tactic team is an elite law enforcement unit trained to resolve challenging & high-risk situations. In business context, innovation SWAT (iSWAT) are highly capable & collaborative team specialised in Customer Value Innovation. iSWAT full name iSWAT represent 4 category of capabilities – Strategist, Wizard, Activator, Technologist. They are interdisciplinary capabilities own by an individual or a small innovation team. Each iSWAT must trained to…

Desirability Feasibility Viability innovation SWAT

Desirability Feasibility Viability (DFV) growth and success

ByJustin TsuiMar 29, 20243 min read

The Desirability, Feasibility, Viability (DFV) framework is a product development and innovation framework that evaluates potential business ideas, or innovation concepts based on three key dimensions: desirability, feasibility, and viability.…

Innovation Agility creates future customer love

Innovation Agility creates future customer love

ByJustin TsuiMar 10, 20243 min read

Why do we need Innovation Agility? Startups are agile Startups are challenging the status quo with creativity, agility and technology. The world is increasingly competitive thanks to the widely accessible…

How to pick a right Innovation Strategy Model?

How to pick a right Innovation Strategy Model?

ByJustin TsuiFeb 24, 20249 min read

There are many methods to map innovation strategy, which one work best for your business? This article introduce some popular innovation models from different perspectives to help guide innovation strategy…