Original Product Design and Brands for Digital Era
To meet the demanding consumers, companies are no longer competitive by just copying what are successful in the market.
Today’s game is in creating business model that are agile & flexible to adapt to social & technological changes, which make developing original product and brands a critical element to sustain business growth.
Consumers are demanding original, authentic and social sharable experience in product and brands, and this make new product & brand development a mission impossible for many companies, as it requires truly multi-discipline creative and strategy capabilities in product, brand & digital media!
Companies with deep pocket would spend a fortune to hire multiple creative and marketing agencies to drive their innovation efforts, and usually fall into inefficiency and conflicts of interests among agencies with less than happy experience.
Here is where Artefactx comes in with its unique combination of expertise in product design; branding and digital marketing all under one- roof to drive truly seamless integrated innovation. This only make possible with Justin’s 15+ years multi-discipline background working with the industry’s best known companies and brands like P&G, AT&T, Vtech, TCC, Chicco, etc…